1 Answer
Because if we tax only the rich, they will take their money elsewhere. We need them to keep their money here and to spend money in this country and to help create jobs. We need to downsize government and stop sending money over seas. We need to stay out of senseless wars we can not afford. We need a president and president's family who does more than go on vacation and spend tax payers dollars. How do you know what people can afford? You're free to give all your money to the government but over taxing a people never works. It typically shows a clear indicator that a country will fail soon when a government can not budget without increasing taxes, especially during a recession which I believe we are still in, no matter what Obama says. The man is on vacation again for 20 days. Of course he doesn't realize people are hurting and his new taxes are not going to help. He's off enjoying himself. Again.
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |