7 Answers
YEP!!!!!! Suit up! We are going to the MOON!!!!!!
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
And, Ducky Darling; You are duck perfection... you never look fat.
If it does end or not, how will any response help? You are going to, have to, simply trust God and and wait around like the rest of us, and party, doing nothing illegal until Dooms Day that may not happen for another thousand years or so. I party for the failure of all Dooms Day predictions because there are so many that don’t happen. I also party as D-day approaches, during the day and if I drank alcohol I would have died already. Since this is another Dooms-Day lets celibrate by not killing any trees today, or by not buying a gun. Lets celebrate D-Day with flowers, pop-corn and passing out complements to everyone. I like to feel good about what I do.Life is wonderful so live-up to happy-thoughts.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |