    why do some people pretend to use their mobile phone when entering a surgery,train,bus, pub,etc.,then put it back in their pocket/purse.

    etc.,then promptly return it to pocket/purse.

    0  Views: 1182 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I don't beats me why people need to walk around with a phone fixed to their ears all the time anyway. It makes me wonder what they find to talk about all the time.My nephew texts his mother from his room upstiars to her in the kitchen, to see when his meal is ready, and she answers him. She's the daft one I think.


    yep..I know that one sunny..(RE;texting or calling to see when their food is ready)!Funny.

    Well upon entering the various premises you describe, i would assume they have finished their call and are ready to do what they have to do.It is bad manners to have the phone to your ear while you are engaging with members of the public.Putting the phone in a pocket or purse is a normal thing to do.If they are pretending to be on the phone, i have no idea why they would do that.

    How do you KNOW these 'people' are pretending? I suppose that IF 'people' were actually doing this then they're all deluded! Weird too. Really, really weird man....Peace.



    lol..Am I the only one who is guilty of sometimes doing that:-)...I don`t carry a mirror so to me it sometimes makes sense!(Not so much a vanity thing on my part or no doubt many others..just a reassurance measure when you are meeting up with people etc etc..and want to make sure that you are not wearing that mornings breakfast on your face!;-)

    hahaha too funny miss milliebean! girls have cells...but not me!!! I wish I had one...I'd do this too..just for the heck of it!!! p.s. both my girls have done this too!! LOL ;D

    Lindi careful what you wish for!...Gone are the days when I can go about my business without 5 minute phone interuptions..and hassle from people if I don`t pick up when expected to!..yep they have their plus sides but oh for sometime when no one can contact me when I`m out and about! ;-0

    ....I knew there was a reason I didn't have one!! I just get the girls to guide me thru traffic when we go to Vancouver city...what a hoot that is..last week they were covering there eyes thru intersections while I plowed thru in the midst of all those big big dump trucks....they were crappin' their drawers and calling me Lindio Andretti..."eehaw!" said I..."when's the next turn???" LOL

    To get any calls out of the way before they have to shut the phone down.....

    Maybe they don't want to pay the fare when getting on a train or bus, and tell the bus driver or ticket-taker, "he/she (the person on the phone) will pay it. Doesn't always work!""

    because they want to look cool and important. Or, maybe b/c they're nervous around people and want to distract themselves from having to look at people and talking to them.

    Posers.There's plenty of them around.


    Yep Tommy..posers often..but these days ALMOST everyone has a mobile/cell phone so who are they impressing?..unless they are kids who want to try to look cool to their little friends:-¬

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