    Do fleas live on dogs when the weather is cold? She scratches.

    Many of you know I am trying to catch a Sheltie that totally avoids capture. I’ve made a warm bed, give her food and fresh water. I am feeling desperate about the dog. I have called every authority. They come out to our house. Drive around looking for the dog and then leave. If I can capture the dog I can call the Rescue people and the problem will be solved.

    A neighbor man who is fastidious about his lawn kicked “My Dog’s” house down. I was talking to him and then realized he was the guy who had posted this sign about a year ago (YOUR DOG IS KILLING MY GRASS. MAKE IT STOP) While I was talking to him the dog peed quite a distance from us. I have only been on the dogs tail (ha) for about 5 weeks.

    I have no proof. I just needed to vent. Maggie Mae is breaking my heart.


    +1  Views: 434 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Yes fleas will live their life cycle on the dog, regardless of the temperature, as the dog is warm enough to support their existence.  Have you thought of baiting the dog in a trap?  You could rig up a catch live trap with some cat food (the smell is stronger and they will investigate it).  Also, since dogs are inquisitive and very territorial, add some other dogs' feces, which it may go into to smell. 


    A million thanks for this answer. I have been avoiding a trap but today my husband and I will go out to get a trap. The dog is in real jeopardy now because of the cold, the fleas, and the lawn man. We don’t have $300.00 to get a trap but there must be another way.
    I’m calling my husband now .... WOOOO HOOOO! WOOO HOOO! I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU TO READ.

    Go to the humane association, or your dog officer, they may have one for you to borrow, or give a donation to use... Or go to an equipment rental and see if they have one.

    I was under the impression that Maggie May had been captured by the Sheltie Association. Apparently, I was wrong. So wrong. My husband says he saw a flash of white over in the area where I keep her bed and food.
    Oooph! I feel sick. It is going to be so near freezing tonight.

    The dog is obviously female, as female urine tends to kill grass, as for the "fleas" I have nothing to say on the matter whatsoever.

    Yours sincerely



    Well, I didn’t think before I wrote that. I’m just glad I didn’t say “How do you kill fleas” OMG ... I would never have forgiven myself for a comment like that, KOTF. I don’t know how you got your name but you’re a good one


    It's a long story itsmee.

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