    I am changing the transmission filter on a 2000 dodge durango 5.9L 4WD, How many quarts of transmission fluid will it take to refill it after I am done?

    does anybody know the answer without telling me to call a dealership. or its in my manual... thats the whole reason why I am asking the question here on ASK A QUESTION. I've gotten the same answer on three different questions on this site (look in owners manual /call a machanic) ,If thats the only thing anybody can tell me then what is this site all about.!!

    0  Views: 442 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    I need a real answer, not tell me to check owners manual or ask a machanic/dealer, that is why I am asking it here!!!

    2 Answers

    lots of them are diff  put 3 n it. then while its runnin n get  warm up cheak it but im sure it takes 4 but u dont need to over fill it


    Thank you very much.. that is axactly what I did and it filled with 4 quarts. thanks again.

    Look in your Owners Manual or call a dealer, WBMS

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