    Newtown Connecticut tragedy

    I sincerly hope that that none of our regulars here is connected to any of the victims in this hideous,sickening incident.

    +7  Views: 1051 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    I switched to channel 7 for my regular program and this is all that is on. What a tragedy! Why? is all I can think of. Just shoot yourself, why take the kids with you?


    Exactly Julie.

    I think we are going to find out that this was a jealousy issue. The shooter was autistic who also suffered from emotional problems. He was probably use to having his mother's attention only on him. Then she went to school to be with other children. Autism causes the autistic to do non rational things. My thought...he was jealous and killed her, then went and killed the kids who took her attention away from him. Sort of like, "You like those kids better than me, bang you're dead and here, take your kids with you". If I am correct and this is the case, he should have been in an asylum, not out with the rest of society.

    ""This is just too shocking.How the family's of the children will get through this, is beyond me.

    First I've heard of it, Tom.

    At first  thought you meant the Portland, Oregon 

    tragedy from the other day.  Shocking!


    We woke up to this one on Sky news this morning.My wife & I were both stunned & heartsick.All those poor little kids.Why them?They're just Kids!

    I know...every single time this happens...all we can ask is why? It's so senseless and tragic.

    This kid was very troubled.  I think they are saying that his mother is also dead at her home.  This was the school that she taught at.  I wonder what the other brother knew, and if he could have prevented anything?  Such a tragedy.  We I was a kid, there was never such a thing, how come our world is so bizarre today?


    Please!Please!Please! America.Do something about your gun control laws.

    Our guns ARE controlled. The insane people are not. They are free to mix with society, to decide if they need therapy or not, to be trusted to remember to take their medications. They are the killers, not the guns. The government sanctions these killing by not putting these mentally unstable people back into asylums where they belong. My gun is very well controlled. It's never shot anyone.

    Please, please, please, people, all countries of the world who have vehicles, please control your cars as they are killing more people than guns are.

    Here's a chilling piece on raising a kid with mental illness:

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