It's probably true, (the guy at the Oregon Mall might've been stopped in his tracks; just 1 example),but I'm worried about "sane" people turning "insane". No, I don't support the 2nd Amendment. UPDATE: The shooter's mother died when he was very young, and his aunt adopted him, as per the interview I saw tonight. He was apparently a happy child, but was rejected by the Marines because of a foot issue and then, this sane kid's world fell apart.
My son who is a police officer would tell you that he then supports his right to not defend you with his gun.
There are exceptions to the 2nd Amendment. I assume that your son took an oath "to protect and serve", passed a battery of physical and mental exams and an interview.
He will do his job and maintain his oath when on duty. After that, he will not use his personal weapon to save your life since you do not agree with the right to bear arms and protect and defend what is yours (this includes another human being). That is what the 2nd amendment is all about after all.
I can see it right now. My life is in danger, and your son comes upon the scene. "Clonge, is that you? Because, if it is, my mom said I wouldn't protect you." Of course, at that point, I'd pull out my kilt, and maybe pretend to be Romos or mathenyg, or someone else!
It was a point you should have gotten, not found a way to make fun of it. The point is, you do not agree with the right to bear arms or the right for one to defend another. Where does this leave you in the grand scheme of things? I hope you never ask for protection from a civilian who has the ability to save your life. You would make yourself a hypocrite then.
I just would like to get some feedback from this question not to be snobby in any way we all have a right to our opinions either for or against . I am personally pro gun for law abiding citizens and firmly believe in the 2 nd amendment .
You're getting my feedback based on a feedback that does not seem to put a lot of thought into their non support of the 2nd amendment. Non support hurts every American. A gun for protection is easier to carry around than a police officer is. The cops for the most part arrive after the fact, after the victim is dead. I prefer to not be a victim so I support the 2nd amendment to answer your question that I can not see.