    What can i do to help her???

    I have this best friend called Maggie. Maggie is so into boys that it even affects her grades in school. i tried talking to her but she takes it like as though i do not like her . i love her so so much and i do not want her hurt. sometime i learn that the guy she's dating is just using her and we plan with some other friend to tell her about it but she never listened she actually got so mad at me and cut off wires with me and even started gossiping words about me but the people she'z trusting are also betraying her...during examination period,she was so with the guy instead of reading her books..... the guy is actually now done with studies and she was discontinued from school due to her poor grades but still claims the guy likes her and hates me so much for talking to her in the first place about it....dont know what to do for her....please can i get back the friendship or should i leave her 

    0  Views: 1096 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: best friends

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    8 Answers

    So carys...Earlier you were a girl, wondering if he loves you.  Now your pic has been changed to a boy and suddenly, you are all concerned about your friend Maggie.  If you are just here to play, you had better stop now before you are permanently suspended.  As I responded to you in the other thread, stop the drama and do your homework.  Enough already!


    Hmm..I thought I was the only one thinking that something`s not quite right here:-¬!

    It seems that some others did not read this before posting. :(

    Good catch Ducky!!

    Gotta catch something once in a while. lol

    consider carys a yummy minnow ;)

    Nice work Ducky!:-)

    If she won't listen to friends then she will have to find out the hard way. But don't forget that you are her friend, so when things do go wrong, just be there for her and pick up the pieces. That's what friends are for.


    i've always been there for her but she also gets me so worried ..... and i cnt give up on her ... the other friends she's trusting are over getting behind her back

    Carys...You can't expect other people to live up to your expectations.Maggie has her own life to live, and you have yours.If you find Maggie's morals are not acceptable,don't make it your problem.If she is boy mad, that is her business.

    ok ok guess its tym to let her be who she wants to

    Youre friend maggie is not rare she digs boys because she feels an empty void and fells as though only boys can fill it. what I sugest to do is talk to her from your heart and say " look I really like you  and I really care about you please do what ever you can to keep up and be my friend"



    i've told her that several times ..... but she can never listen to me

    How old is Maggie?  I would think this is just a phase and she'll outgrow it. It's good of you to be concerned but there is little that can be done at this point if I'm correct.....


    she's clocking to 18 in 2013.....not just aphase .... everyone knows what she's doing cause she also has this other barber boyfriend....

    Only 18? It is a phase but one that can last into her late 20's. Eventually, everyone grows up.

    for heaven's sake i care about heer grades cause she was discontinueed from school

    I think you are too concerned for just being a best friend. No best friend is concerned over their friends grades. I think there's something you're not saying but that's for you to deal with. Good luck.

    trust me they're there..... seriously when she leaves my school.... i wont have anyone to trust ever again .... she is like my own sister ......

    How can you trust someone who does not listen to you? I use to love my female friends like they were my "sister" too (I said the same thing, like "my sister", I too thought it covered the over emotional love) and I got jealous when they dated boys. Then I got over it and accepted that I was/am a lesbian. Do you have a boyfriend you should be putting this energy into? If not, why?

    i hav aboyfriend of my own........ n i lov him so much n she has never dated him nor even hinted on him...... so atlst i trust her with tht i kno shez not doing all tht to annoy mme but its coz of grp influenc

    Why is it that all of a sudden you can not spell and are typing like an 8 year old?

    oh sorry colleen that i hate writting in full .....

    Well here we do not see text language on a forum as a way to communicate with people. Texting is for friends, not for a group of people who are educated.

    I think she needs an adult to talk to. She prob doesn't take you seriously, b/c you're one of her peers. Steer her in the direction of a trusted adult, maybe her aunt or one of her teachers. Or,approach one of her teachers, who you think is good and ask  her to talk some sense into your friend. It sounds like your friend doesn't have much guidence at home. 


    maybe i'll have to try that.... but she has gotteen alot of advise from teachers who also laid their hands off her

    What can you do to help her? 

    Stop trying to live her life for her.

    The more you try to help, the more she will

    resent what she thinks is interferance from you.

    Considering you're the same age she probably 

    thinks you should let her get on with her own life.

    She will live and learn.

    Carys, this girl, will be a young lady next year, 18 yrs old. To really love someone is to let them go, in your case, let her go, She has to learn about life, but be there, if she needs a shoulder to cry on, and learn by mistakes. It sounds like, the more you advise her against some thing the more she will do it. Like we say here, you can being a horse to the water, but you cant make him drink it.


    ok thx

    ok thx

    If you truly love her, let her be. Some people are slow learners. Eventually she will get tired of being hurt and start listening to her friends. Until then, she will only see you as the enemy trying to impede on her happiness. Just be there to support her when she gets hurt and don't cut her down even more by saying, "I told you so". That is how you make yourself a good friend. 


    yea i truly love her but also letting her be hurts me alot because her name is being spoilt all over the whole school ..... what can i do??????

    If you can not handle it, then you might need to stop being friends with her because it sounds like you are the one embarrassed by the name she is making for herself and this makes it difficult to be her friend. You can not control her actions and she has already proven she will not stop because people ask her to. Let her be and find a friend who is the type of friend you can respect.

    even when i find another one ..... i still love her ... she's like my own sis ..... what really puts me off is her other relationship with the school barber........

    I think you need to take a close look at yourself. There's something else going on here.


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