    Where can I get a white German Shepherd at a resonable price, or maybe free?

    0  Views: 1002 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Try animal rescue in your area, or the local pounds.

    Sometimes the  Guide Dogs for the Blind have dogs that they need socialized under different settings, or they may place dogs which haven't worked out.  Maybe a breeder has a dog which is not up to standards for sale, and they sell them at discounted prices.  We got an English Bulldog that way, the mom had bitten off a toe as she was grooming her as a very young pup.  It doesn't bother her in the least!  And the price was right! 


    Just take into account that it`s not the cost of buying the dog only...vets fees,immunizations,food and care etc can be expensive!...good luck!

    And not getting a pet for aesthetic reasons, ex. you like the look of a white german shepard. You should consider the breed and the attributes of each breed. Not all situations are suited to all breeds. Also, some breeds require an insurance rider (in many states) and the German Shepard dog is one on that list!

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