    Calling all smokers: Did you cough the first time you tried smoking? Wasn't that a sign that it... a cin

    was harmful? 3 answers so far, none addressing the questions. C'mon guys!

    +2  Views: 1181 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: smoking

    4 Answers

    Sorry, my mom had us go light her a smoke so I got used to it early......


    My dad was a 50 a day man,so I was a passive smoker years before I ever started buying them.

    Sheez....It was so long ago I can't remember. I do know that I cough now tho. LOTS.

    Drinkers kill more people than cigarettes by far, a drunk behind the wheel will wipe you and your family out in a second and it happens hundreds of times per day.. I think we should ban alcohol..  But that won't happen because all our lawmaker politicians are drunks.


    They will never ban alcohol or tobacco because of the tax revenue they raise from both substances.It's a joke the way govt's enforce health warnings on packaging & ban advertising on alcohol & cigarettes.They are only appeasing a very small minority.

    Legalization of marijuana is getting a foothold over here, this this is a reminder to us in the USA who is running the country. When the courts must discuss the legality of public nudity, marijuana, destroying families incomes in favor of some dumb little fish and so on, you must agree we have the hippies grandchildren running things now.

    Yeah well it's not making a lot more sense over here Vinny.The Gov't is now pushing people to install solar power.So they get their power cheaper or for free & the folks who can't afford solar pay more for their power.Go figure!

    And all this time i thought you peeps were smarter than us over here.. LOL! We have turmoil here as the wind generators are killing the birds, PETA is pissed.. also, environmentalist are force closing an oyster farm that has been in business since 1976, this closure is 'suposed to bring back the wilderness, however, this also means that 1.5 million oysters must be killed before February 2013, this is also pissing off the PETA peeps. Both are liberal organizations and comprised of the same members-- One party system will still end up in disagreements. The issues they argue about does not take human needs into account, therefore, they will be putting 400 people out of work.. This country has allowed too many wackos too much power. I don't think it will ever turn around -- We are just over 200 years old, our time has come, we are about to implode on ourselves. USA; it was fun while it lasted.. :(

    Yes they do a lot of harm to do a little good.But they are the brains of the outfit (Pollies)or so they would have us believe.
    Merry Christmas Vinny.

    First cigarette was when I was seven. Stayed clear until I was 18 and in the Navy and everyone smoked all the time. My Grand Dad started smoking where he was eight. smoked, chewed tobacco and made moonshine to drink until he died at the age of 86 from an artery breaking internally. Grand Mother smoked pot and tobacco and a variety of alcohol, made pot brownies for the kids and swore in three languages. She died at 98…maybe over 100. I stopped smoking pot and tobacco 18 years ago…the price of tobacco was going up and the patch had just come out…so I quit and never started up again. 

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