    (ex) AutoZone employee, Devin McLean, fired for act of bravery set to be awarded by Sheriff's Dept for bravery.

    This one is for you Millie (I saw your comments on the Boycott AutoZone In Support of Devin McLean page. ;) 

    Watch television interview with The York County-Poquoson Sheriff  J.D. Diggs here > 

    When he learned that AutoZone had fired Devin for breaking their Zero Tolerance rule for gun inside their store, he had this to say:

    “I thought what a shame this guy has really gone above and beyond. I mean what else could you ask an employee to do for you?” says Diggs. 

    For the full story of Devin's act of heroism, you can refer to this first thread about him >  

    I'm just so proud of him. I had to share this news. He's become quite the American hero through all this. 

    +4  Views: 2122 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Colleen t I saw Devins story on Fox Insider """Heroic Auto Zone Employee fired for using Gun".
    My copy and paste has not worked for quite a while, so you have to type what I wrote above and you will see the interview.
    I am going to sign the boycott against Autozone. and hope they loose most of theire customers.
     I also think someone will offer him a much better job, a place where they appreciate to have someone like Devin as theire emplyee.


    Yes, I've seen that interview too. I've seen them all, lol. Here's the link

    And thank you on behalf of Devin for your support. Thousands are boycotting. Every AutoZone page on the internet where comments are allowed are being hammered by outraged citizens. Even their contact page is getting hit

    Finally...someone saw the light hey?  Did he get his job back?


    No. AutoZone is sticking by it's policy and will not rehire him. One of his co workers posted to the boycott page as anonymous and said AutoZone has ordered them not to talk about this with the media and to not post about it on their Facebook pages. Apparently AutoZone loves to play dictator with people over their crappy paying jobs. Remember Scrooge and how he treated Bob Crachett? AutoZone is looking more and more like Scrooge.

    Colleen although i think Devin was wrong to have a loaded gun in his cab,and act the hero,I Think AutoZone,are acting like big brother not to let the matter to be dicussed openly,

    He is licensed for conceal and carry. He took the required courses and tests and has his military training for fire arms backing up even all that. There is nothing wrong with him having the gun in the truck since he left it there while at work where having a gun on your person is against the rules for employees only. His weapon is not loaded until he loads it. He does not leave it loaded in the truck. On his person, it is loaded. Customers can bring guns into the store however. He did not play hero. He was the hero. He got the jump on the robber because the robber did not see him reenter the store. Devin did all the right things. AutoZone is just being stubborn and will not admit that even a police officer could not have handled this better than Devin did. Cops would probably have just gone in firing. Then there would be someone dead.

    I Was trained to handle a gun and rifle colleen in the Army,and shoot for many a rifle civel life,but the gun is locked up once i have left any of the clubs,and the police are then responable for law and order,We dont need self apponted sharp shooters around,no matter what thier good intentions are,

    Then I thank God I live here and not there. Here we have the right to defend ourselves. Devin made a decision to go back for his manager. He did not think to make himself a self appointed sharp shooter. Just a human being protecting the life of another human being. It's too bad a civilian will never be able to do that for you should a day come that a criminal holds a gun to your head. Sorry that your country feels the need to treat gun owners there like babies. No touch until daddy can watch you!

    I thank God you dont live here Colleen,we have far less crime in great britain then America,under the laws we abide by,

    You may have less gun crimes but your knifing crimes are on the rise. If people want to kill, they will no matter what gets taken away. They will always find a way to kill if that is their intent. You're no safer than I am in that scenario.

    Theres no answer Colleen,you will always have the last word,and others opions,are quite secondary to your own,

    Not so. Your opinion is just as valid. I just do not agree with it like you do not agree with mine. You still have the right to argue and defend your opinion. I have not taken that from you.

    yeah,Colleen..I saw that they were silencing the o employees! must be bricking so glad that so many customers have pulled their trade from them and that it`s gone Global!:-)

    Hero!...It`s great that the Sheriff has stepped in now to...I hope that Devin is on the up and up soon..and it looks likes A.ZONE has really shot themselves in the foot!:-)

    AutoZone must be sorry by now that they made such a hasty decision.

    They will regret that they fired Devin, as people let them know with 

    their wallets, what they think of the store for firing him.

    I'm sure your nephew is glad to be out of the place anyway. Who

    would like to know that when they show up for work, they are a

    sitting duck, on a daily basis, for any jerk coming in with a gun,

    to rob the place. The perp has done this twice now and the 

    police have still not been able to catch him. He'll probably just

    go to another AutoZone, for his next cash fix, so they're losing 

    money any way you look at it. Kudos to the sheriff, for stepping 

    up to the plate and I really hope that Devin's ambition to become

    a physical therapist comes to fruition. :)


    You know what I find interesting is the fake beard bandit has not robbed another store since Devin pointed a gun at him. This guy had been quite busy robbing stores up to that point.

    I saw in the news report that he was at it constantly. That is awesome that Devin's actions have deterred him. Now they just need someone to turn him in.

    Great news ..Justice has stepped up to the plate. Perhaps Devin might have a future in law enforcement !


    He actually wants to go to school to be a physical therapist. So far removed from guns and bad guys, lol. He's a giving person by nature and has always been geared to help others.

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