    How do I keep a stray dog warm in the winter?

    I feed her and give her fresh water. She has a warm box. She’s a Sheltie with a collar but NOBODY can come close to her. I think she has lost her master/mistress and is grieving. REALLY grieving.

    It will be getting into the 30’s. It will not get into the low 30’s very often. I have done EVERYTHING I possibly can to find her home or give her a home. Now it’s come to this ... and it will be getting cold. 

    I’ve named her Maggie May.





    +4  Views: 1767 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    You say stray and yet her name is Maggie Mae! You may have a new pet!

    Itsmee, I forgot to add in my answer, as you feel this dog is greving for its owner, I feel it needs company, not be left on its own.

    6 Answers

    A dog will be warm in the winter if you offer her or him a house with straw as bedding . The house should be not too much larger that the occupant! My vet told me a dog is much warmer in that kind of house than in your garage or barn. The small house will reflect the animals body heat and the straw will be an insulator.  Outdoor dogs get a good coat of fur in the winter. Your Maggie May should be good with these suggestions. I hope you and her be come friends and that you can help her with her grief! Good luck to you both! AND thanks for caring!


    Yup, just what I was coming to say, pack the shelter with straw/hay.

    Some people want to put in blankets, but straw in much better! It will not retain moisture from the animal.

    Have you thought of contacting the humane society itsmee?


    I’ve contacted everyone I can possibly reach. Most don’t come out. The problem? They cqn’t SEE her. Boo Hoo. I wake up in the night and will be a little happier when I get that hay.

    Call animal control in your town. They will keep her for 2 weeks. The owner may have already checked with them. If in two weeks no one claims her, adopt her and put her back in the shelter you gave her. At least try animal control as they might actually find her owners. 


    Some shelters will keep an animal longer, but if there is no microchip the dog may be put down! Be careful where you take her if you must! Naming an animal suggests you already have bonded!

    That's why I said to go back and adopt the dog after the time expired.

    Perhaps itsmee can not afford to adopt-so a thought is to just keep the dog? Just a thought!

    OK. I'm not going to argue this. She just never mentioned animal control and I know that if one of my dogs ran away, I would check with animal control.

    It’s not time for me to adopt. I can’t come close. I’ve read about Shelties. They bond with one owner and grieve and grieve when they lose the primary caregiver.
    I am careful that I don’t alert anyone who might catch her and put her down.


    Animal control keeps a list of missing animals as well as those found for the owner's to check with...


    You are so good to feed it....

    I find it hard to think about that any of us humans would not offer food to any hungry being! But it happens.

    I'm feeding a stray cat I hope I can bring inside before the front hits here, it's supposed to get to freezing with a high of 49!

    Oh Julie, be careful. Cats can just explode and hurt you. They can be sneaky and dangerous. How about a box and hay like Colleen and Clu have suggested.
    I can’t imagine how people can let animals suffer.
    I can’t imagine how people can let people suffer.
    It’s gonna be a long, cold winter.

    @itsmee, this cat is about 6 mnth old and loves to be petted. Skitteshed as all get out but sweet...



    my cat was a stray- very kittish at first and didn't make a peep or purr. Well, he is now the king of the castle and comes to me & follows me like a dog. I understand him and he me. Julie The kitten might get more skittish smelling the scent of Worthless- but what fun!!! BTW does Worthless have all f is shots- the kitten may carry feluk or FIP.

    I have two stray cats. My second cat was about one year old, when I found her. It took about six months before she trusted me and I could get her indoors. I always fed her, in area where she stayed. I have her about two years now, She is always repaying me with her love.attention, and follows me every where in the  house, especially to bed. She loves to purr, when I stroke her. She is very much a one person cat. I think people are dropping of pets, in different areas, because they cant afford to care for them any more. Very sad, but lucky for my two cats.

    itsmee, you are such a kind loving person taking care of stray dog, Clu  gave you good advice, or you could take Maggie Mae indoors, she could be you gardian if any one tried to break into your home.

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