    Hospital Hoax ?


    +1  Views: 449 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

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    Yes the bloody Australians made a prank call.. But I do wonder if the hospital really did mean they would stand by her or they had called her into the office for a chat, but after a lot of news reports seems she had depression and this was not the only attempt on her life.

    I do not agree with it but it is culture to play pranks here in Australia and honestly they did not think they would get through.
    A royal enquiry would be enough to make anyone want to top themselves..
    So maybe the should take some responsibility for the pressure that was about to be unleashed on this woman..

    May she rest in peace.. What ever pain she had before is now gone, what ever fears are no longer fears , we will never truly know the circumstances around this and probably never really will..

    It doesn't sound like this was the only reason that she took her own life, it was a bit of a daft prank, but we know Australians like a good laugh, and before the nurse took her own life even Prince Charles was joking about it with some reporters he met. And it was just a joke, and they didn't sound anything like who they supposed to be.So I don't see any reason why the radio presenters should blame themselves for her death.

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