    what type of letter should i write to my former employer if i walked out

    0  Views: 912 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Why do you think you need to write a letter if you walked out? Are you looking to get your job back?

    I wouldn't bother wrighting a letter, if you walk out you will probably get the sack anyway.

    A sincere letter of apology with no request to be reinstated.  You also need to admit that you have an immature attitude which you are trying to correct.  At best, your former employer will accept your apology and perhaps ask you for a face to face meeting and at worst, s/he will ignore you. You should probably hope that your next (potential) employer, does not call the last one!  With so much unemployment, people who have temper tantrums at work, are very easy to replace.

    Maybe a letter explaining any circumstances which he/she may not realize that led to your walking out.  Also, if that was the case, an apology, and request for your job back, or at least a decent reference from him.  If you just walked out with no real valid excuse, no conditions of the job which would make anyone do the same, then do not write a letter.  Just move on, and hope that the former boss will treat you at least neutral when giving a reference.  Learn from this and handle yourself better next time that you have a similar workplace drama.  This is why there are Human Relations Offices at most places of employment...

    Write Opps me sorry.

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