    what does organ mean

    0  Views: 754 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    A complete and independent part of a plant or animal that has a specific function key, a board instrument. A large musical keyboard instrument producing sounds at different volumes using compressed air passed through pipes instrument.  A a musical instrument that makes sounds resembling the organ without using pipes, e.g. electronically or with reeds

    An Organ is a collection of tissue joined in a structual unit to preform a specific job. The heart for instance  is an organ that pumps blood throughthe body to supply it with oxygen. The skin is an organ that keeps infection out and helps hold our bones,legaments,muscle and cartalage  together so that when we move they wouldn't slide and buldge away from the body. Every organ has a purpose. every organ is made up of tissue . Bones are an organ too. They are made up of tissue that hardens this is our "Frame" its the part of the body that keeps us from being a pile of skin and muscle. it works the same way a house uses its frame. everything is added to it and the frame with holds the weight of everything else . .It also allows a door to swing  ..our bones allowour muscles to expand and retract which allow us to move.


    Its a musical instrament that resembles a piano.

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