    What’s the correct width of stairs?

    My friend had a new stair way built by a licensed contractor. I can only go up and down if I go side ways. They are steep and very wide. My husband has the same problem. We don’t have problems with other stairs.  Our friend is just barely 30 and doesn’t have problems that come with advanced age. I think his stairs aren’t up to code. Anybody know the correct width. (I couldn’t find it) I hope that he gets the situation cleared up soon. I hope he doesn’t lose money.

    0  Views: 688 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Depnding on the type of facility, check with OSHA, WBMS


    Thank you, Jack Large. Our friend had his entire stairway rebuilt because it wasn’t up to code. It would be a total nightmare if it happens again.
    I’m off to OSHA. Then what do I do? Take a ruler under my coat when I go over. After I measure & find out, give him the news. Oh! I don’t know. Maybe just keep my mouth shut and be there for him if things don’t go well.
    This could well be the strangest question that has been asked here. : )
    Jack Large

    In any event the minimum width for a doorway and a stairway is 36 inches.

    There is also and minimum riser height, for the steps, and a minimum tread length as well Eight inches and 12 inches respectively

    It seems like it would be easy to figure it out. It isn't.
    You sound like a contractor or an inspector. As time goes on, I'll try to get back to you and let you know.

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