    do you love me


    +1  Views: 1195 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I don't know- with the shades and that taped mouth you look awfully suspicious!

    "I don`t know why I love like I do I don`t know why "but I do" THAT`S A SONG !!


    Unlike Tea for two?

    "OH thank you CLU Two sugars please

    I don't know you. But I love most people I get to know.

    You Know You're A Dog Person When...
    All dates must pass your dog's inspection

    All of your clothes have dog hair on them, even when they come back from the laundromat or dry cleaners.

    You get birthday cards for each of your dogs from family, friends, and the vet. (Bonus if you keep them on the refrigerator for more than a month.)

    Every gift you ever get has something to do with dogs

    Kiss your dog more than 10 times per greeting.

    All your non-dog friends know to dress down when visiting your house

    Books and movies are ruined for you if the dog references are incorrect.

    Onlookers grimace at the sight of you sharing your sandwich with your four-legged pal, bite for bite

    Call long distance and talk with your dog.

    Dog hair in food is just another spice.

    If you are cold, you put a sweater on your dog.

    Any conversation you're having is effortlessly directed back to the topic of dogs

    90 percent of your Internet connection time goes to the dogs (seeing what's
    new when you enter your breed into the browser, reading up on multiple
    lists, checking out photos, sounds and faqs, etc.).
    All kinds of things around the house are in need of repair, but the injured
    dog you rescued by the side of the road requires immediate surgery and out
    comes the checkbook

    All of your charitable donations go to dog-related and humane society

    All of your furniture came to you second hand or via curbside discard, but
    your dog crates are top of the line, industry premium.

    All your social activities revolve around other dog people

    Your voice is recognized by your vet's receptionist

    And after 3 and a half hours of grooming you let that beautiful creature out
    to go potty before bedtime and he turns and looks back at you, all clean and
    pretty, he smiles a little smile that warms your heart so deeply that words
    can never say. A picture you will remember forever. When the dog comes back
    in you realize he has been rolling in the dead bird/squirrel you thought you
    carefully buried that morning.

    Anyone can look at your (pick all that apply) --- T-shirt - sweatshirt -
    coffee mug - keychain - beach towel - cooking apron - couch throw - tote
    bag - computer screen saver/wallpaper/mousepad/wristpad/monitor frame - gift
    wrapping paper - photographic displays - calendars - refrigerator magnets -
    weather vane - door mat - bumper stickers - umbrella - Christmas sweater -
    socks - embroidery project - child's collection of stuffed animals - sheets
    and bedspread - checks - checkbook covers - throw pillows - Home Pages ---
    and know immediately that you are a dog lover, AND probably what particular
    breed you favor.

    At least three of your five weeks vacation are scheduled around grooming,
    vaccinations and dental cleaning...all for the dogs!

    If you can relate to any of this.....I LOVE YOU!

    Madly Darling!


    skfjda;feiafeijfai iiefjaifjaiiaefjafa fiejgajgiajffjga;a;jgiajgogj ... kdfjaiofjeiajfeiafe fiefehahga; fajediafjijaifjdaifia jfifiaeiafieijfeaf jvgai iedagha xoxox rehrfiwrfhj boom boom


    Oh you're good....can't even google translate this one!! lol 8D

    I love you and everyone. I am so happy I found this little hide-y hole with 99.999% of the global population somewhere else. Thank you for not searching me out.  


    sneak sneak sneak...whoops! WHAM! ...and she's down for the count folks...looks like the ole bald eagle tripped over a chicken in her stealthy staulking of the ever elusive species, robertgrist!! ...yep' gotta love that Cali undergrowth...whoops...BAM...and she's down ;D

    I really don't know! Are you a good person? Do you  love me?

    I just wanna is tough sometimes...but just keep on keepin'

    p.s. I love ya too!!!

    No! I'm sorry,but there's been someone else for the last 40 years or so. :(

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