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Maybe a healthy active 4 yr. old should be tired at 6 pm. shouldn't they, after all, with growth spurts etc. they would need rest. Many families have kids on the go all day long, and may not realize that it is so hard on the children. And if he is healthy, and normal acting, that is a good indicator of his well being.
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
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maybe she needs a daytime nap. Maybe she goes to bed too late.and has to get up too early to go to pre- school. Maybe she doesn't sleep well at night, if there's noise in your house at night, or too much light in her room........or a sibling in her room that makes noise.Maybe she doesn't eat right, and her red blood count is too low, which would cause fatigue. If you've exhausted all of these possiblilities, you might want to take her to a Dr. to have her blood tested .