I received my first license from another state, where I taught for 6 years and I acquired several letters of recommendation when I left to move to another state. Now I live in a new state, and I've been at a teaching position for the last 4 years, I have some more letters of recommendation. I want to move to another school within my district. My question is the following: Since I taught for a longer time out of state, should I still use those letters of recommendation?
2 Answers
I assume that you are taking these letters with you, for an interview? I would on request, present one from your first period of employment and one from the second. Have the other letters with you and explain to the interviewer, that you have several more, if he/she wishes to see them as well. An interviewer sometimes pays little attention to letters and much more to the person sitting in front of them. Good luck.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |