    For those of you who are going through a divorce or are divorced, when did you realize...

    that your marriage was in trouble? For me, it was at my wedding, when the couple on top of the cake started to fight!

    +5  Views: 749 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    I took a 17 year  cruise down the "DENIAL".  We were at counselors when we were dating.  I'm still wondering what the hell I was thinking. 

    My wedding night...I had a nightmare that my friends and family had buried me alive with no coffin..but they laid my guitar on me in the 'hole'  and started tossing dirt on me and waving goodbye....when I awoke...I knew the marriage wouldn't last...I just knew. Ho hum...

    RELIEF!!  that is what I felt just days after i was kicked out of my own house....


    You too eh Doc?? Talk about the tables being turned!! Always loved the sound of the 'last laugh'! ;)

    The day I came home early for lunch. Thought I'd suprise her!!! OMG was she supprizzzed. My wife of 20 years was in bed with the neighbour. They both came seconds away from meeting Jesus.


    Moderator removed part of this answer.Sexually explicit words are not acceptable.

    punctuation is everything....

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