    Home Flu Remedies???

    Have you any suggestions of home flu-bug remedies? It appears that one of our members is down with a 'bug'  (dear dowsa!) and may need our advice!!!

    Get better's some chicken soup!!!   ;)


    +5  Views: 2978 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    "Loved the soup "LINDA.Mind you it didn`t taste the same ,sort of paper taste " did you water it down ?

    ...oh dear dowsa...shoulda mentioned it was 'cyber-space' soup du jour...blast it all...sorry 'bout the blandness buddy...been trying to get this teleportation device hopping but I keep finding my mean 'subjects' away out in the woods or down on the beach..can't seem to launch anything over the Arctic Circle quite yet!!! And when I tried to send the soup well..a bunch of Herring Gulls were all over it at the end of our street going.."mine-mine-mine-mine"..gads what a racket!!! Soup everywhere man! what a connundrum dowsa!! LOL

    LINDA ! your one big "Laugh you could make a "mental person feel "Sane like "ME" lol keep it coming "GIRL "OH PS. Not the "Soup !!!

    7 Answers

    My great-grandma, who lived to 90, dying in 1974, used to have a little pan of onions and honey on the top of her wood stove all winter!  When anyone on the farm felt a cold coming on, they would take a tablespoon of it, and continue until symptoms went away.  She would add to the pot as needed.  They used this, no cough syrup, but maybe some asprins also.  I think it is an old Yankee remedy. 


    That sounds very good my dear friend thank you .

    actually it did not taste bad, the honey and onions melted into a syrup, since the onions did not scald, they were not bitter but sweet.

    This was our first onions and honey suggestion so I've blasted yours to the top on this one oh bustieone!!
    Stick around...I may need more recipes!! LOL Peace buddy! ;D

    thanks Lindy, but credit goes to great-gram, she was amazing, a temperance-marcher, she learned to appreciate Brandy later in life (for her heart!)

    Here's to Great Gran then...but my shot of brandy will have to wait as I plan on beginning drinking booze again on my 80th birthday!! A ways off!! LOL ;)

    take one 500mg tablet of Vit C --- 3 or 4 X per day .

    dowsa & bustione: You two look like you might be distant relatives. I love your little pink faces and matching glasses. Ok, I've got the onions and honey bubbling away. Good health allllll winter. : )

    Bed, water, bed , water, bed, bed,bed,bed,bed.

    Oh and a wee bit chicken broth if you feel like it.


    Then bed until you can stand on your own.

    Thanks ROY. "stand on my own ? nae chance pal "Wife waiting at the bottom of the bed "Shouting ready tae get up !! "Hoover by her side!!
    mycatsmom dad used to say the best place for you when you're sick is bed .

    A nice hot toddy will cure what ails

    our sweet Dowsa. Hope your feeling

    better. :)


    I've had the flu twice in my life,if only I could have kept a toddy down, it did help me to sleep when I was feeling a wee bit better though.

    I know...if there is vomiting you can't stomach it but at the first signs, it can ward it ;)

    ...depends who is doing the vomiting I s'pose....(blink)

    Well, let's hope too many toddies aren't the cause.

    Thanks DARD, Girl. feeling a lot better until "Josie walked in the bedroom with a list "THINGS TO DO !!.I am going into town "REST I "Cried thought she meant "R I P "OH it was a shopping list "PHEW !!

    Ha ha ha...if Dowse is back on the shopping trip rounds, he's feeling spritely gain! ((hugs)) :)

    My mom used to call a hot toddy a " Whiskey Sling " That was a last resort.

    zinc lozenges, lots of fluids (including hot toddys when able to keep it down), ibuprofen (for fever and muscle aches), french onion soup (when able to keep food 'down',  low lights (if your eyes hurt), cuddle with a pet, lots of sleep.  FEEL BETTER REALLY SOON DOWSA!!!!!!!!!


    "GEE THANKS DOC DOO.The only pet I can cuddle is my "wife`s slippers ,cat slippers "OH dont fancy the "smell Hee Hee feeling better already take care my dear friend.

    Have plenty of chicken soup.


    That's what I think too!!!! ;)

    I am "Bloody sick of "Chicken soup .Only kidding my dear friend Sunnyyshyne 199 "That name makes me feel better its "SUNSHINE" I need .

    Me three...I need more sunnyshynes too dowsa..and I'm glad yer alright!! big smiles ;)

    loved my late mother's chicken-noodle soup --with home-made noodles; and her chicken-rice soup. I can never get my cooking to taste like hers.

    if u eat 3-4kg red currants each year u  probely newer going to be sick in anny flue again maybe very very little .i havent been any real sick for severeal years

    Lots and lots and lots of water. Their pee should be clear. The thing is to help the white bloodstream cells clean things up within as much as possible.

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