    i have about 24 euros left and i have four children and a partner for christmas and i really have,nt a clue what we are going to do can anybody please help .

    i know what some of you will be saying , does he not get social welfare and yes i do but we were on the verge of having our electricity switched off for an outstanding bill that we owed and we could,nt do anything elce but get a lend of it from a person that wants it back from our doel money for the next few weeks so after giving back what we owed we are going to have just 24 euros left after getting some heating and food that we just have to get so unless we get some urgent help somewhere my kids are not going to have a Christmas at all , what its like to be poor. 

    0  Views: 1612 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: help

    2 Answers

    Try your local churches. Many churches will help families with children to provide a Christmas for them. I'm assuming your extended family members are just as poor as you? If not, they should at least be able to provide gifts. 

    Have you tried local churches and charities, most are willing to help genuine cases.

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