    Do you support obamas new 1.6 trillion new taxes, 50 billion new stimulus spending..

    He has no spending cuts. Does not solve the problem of over spending. Why did Jimmy Carter vote for Obama, so Obama would be the worst president ever , not him.

    0  Views: 666 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    How many poor people every gave you a job?  Most rich people made their money by working for it.  They already pay more taxes than anyone else.  Taxing the rich more is so stupid.  Nobama wanted that so some of his middle class and poor folks would like to stick it to the rich.  A lot of poor people do not like rich folks.  Why?  They earned their money, for the most part. 

    There are so many ways the govnerment could reduce spending, but they might lose votes.  I could name hundreds, but don't have the space or time.  Cutting Medicare and SS is not the answer.  Yes, we could do some repairs on SS, but most folks have worked their whole lives to retire and have that money available.  Even most of that is not enough to live on for many people.  If you want some ways we are spending money in a stupid way, let me know.


    Many wealthy are already leaving the US. Now we do not have their wealth to tax. If we drive them out then who will contribute the monies which they currently do. Increasing their taxes is not the answer. Cuts to government spending is the only fair answer. Our government is too large now! There are agencies to oversee other agencies, getting the USA fit financially must begin at the top!

    Sounds like a bad idea to me, it will end with more borrowing and more spending. 

    Answer this, how much should they pay then. The Obama supporters can't see there is a spending problem, not a money problem. Obama doesn't want to slow spending. Taxing the rich more will never solve the spending problem. This country is getting weaker and weaker, and all the weak idiots voted in a weak president with their same weak ideals. The fiscal cliff is nothing compared to what will be coming.

    For the sake of the nation budget Obama have to raise tax from the business corporate circle.

    Yes, I support Obama tax budget for the nation plight.


    Hello Hoo. Welcome aboard akaQA, you should click on under your initial comment, and edit it rather than making an additional comment. We have all done it, others have given me kindly reminders as I am you...

    Thanks Bustieone. I've combined his answers.

    For the sake of the people on welfare we must raise it too.Dont forget them. Give more people more money. We are raising a new breed of people that have no purpose of producing, just takers. Obama is their savior. I pay enough taxes. You uninformed people need to see the 37 billion tax dollars that were part of the SANDY relief fund going to. Here is just one. 111 million to alaska fisheries. Go figure that.

    ""Only if they come from taxpayers.

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