    is the silverware worth any money

    do the original rogers & bro set has any value to it.

    0  Views: 683 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Silver marked 999 is pure silver. I sold some  in October for about $1200.00 and sorry I did that because I really like silver and have some more that I won’t be selling. The metals markets are interesting. As I pick up a lot of junk, I find metals mixed in with junk that are very expensive but were considered cheap years back. I have lots of MU metal which is a nickel-iron alloy used in electronics. I know where there is far more than I can get, worth so much money…and I can’t  just get it and sell it because of the volume involved. Thousands of tons. So much for that.   

    Yes, particularly it it is Sterling Silver.

    Silver is worth $33.25 / troy ounce


    I sold an antique set I had for $100 to a gold merchant. Sorry I did it....

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