    is to a helping verb

    0  Views: 529 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Too is but not to . Too scared or too happy    but the word to does not work with a verb that way. 

    Modal helping verbs help “modify” the main verb so that is changes the meaning somewhat. They help express possibility or necessity.
    Here are the modal verbs:
    1. Can, could.
    I can’t reach the top shelf.
    You could try using a stepladder.
    2. May, might.
    The bus may arrive on time this morning.
    It might be full of rowdy passengers, though.
    3. Will, would.
    Will Katy ride with James to soccer practice?
    Would she prefer to ride with Emily instead?
    4. Shall, should.
    Shall I set the table now?
    You should wait a little longer.
    5. Must.
    You really must see a doctor about that nasty cut.
    A few points to remember about helping verbs.
    Not every sentence has or needs a helping verb.
    Any time you see a verb ending in “ing”, a helping verb usually accompanies it.
    Sometimes other words separate the helping verb and main verb in the sentence. The word “not” is an example. Sarah couldn’t run as fast as Beth. Here the word “not” separates the helping verb “could” from the main verb “run.”
    Helping verbs are used everyday in the English language so figuring out how to recognize them and when to use them comes second nature after awhile.

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