    legal drug that shows as meth in urine test

    0  Views: 510 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    First off Meth is its own molecule there will not be anything that would give a false positive.

    BUT if the test is for amphetamines that's another story. Amphetamines are in cold medicines, (hence where meth is made from) inhalers, etc. BUT once its pulled from the medicine there is a process that turns it to gas then into a solid (Chrystal) in that process it become its own molecule.

    the reaction cause by a certain chemical causes it to become a gas that gas once turned into a solid (or actually as a gas ) is now a meth molecule.

    So there isnt anyway to duplicate it in something else . or mix together (even in your stomach ) any items that would give you the appearance of it.

    So, there is no legal drug that will show up on a drug test as methamphetamine  . just amphetamine which most  panel  tests don't have anymore..

    Unlike the poppy seed which can cause a false positive for heroin.

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