    would it hurt more to know that u were adopted or that the parents or parent did not want u

    0  Views: 1203 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    sometimes is not the mother or fathers fault, that they had to give up their babies but to the child that was adopted and never told the truth it becomes a question what did i do not to be loved, was i bad or why didnt they want me, i would gladly adopt.

    2 Answers

    I have a lot of friends whom are adopted and most of the time it wasn't that they were not wanted by there biological family it was more of what they did during this era, ship young mothers off they give birth and no one knows any wiser.

    It is a massive decision for a mother to have to make to adopt a child, and it is even harder when a child is taken from a mother because it may bring shame on to the family..
    I have a lot of friends whom are adopted and most of the time it wasn't that they were not wanted by there biological family it was more of what they did during this era, ship young mothers off they give birth and no one knows any wiser.

    It is a massive decision for a mother to have to make to adopt a child, and it is even harder when a child is taken from a mother because it may bring shame on to the family..

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