10 Answers
I was when my kids were small. TRY THIS FOR YOUR KIDS! I used to put my big rubber snow boots on, walk backwards out on the deck (if there was snow) with a broom handle, and a hand full of raisins. The boots were Santa's footprints, the broom handle was to make sleigh runner lines, and reindeer hoof prints, and the raisins-well they were the reindeer poop, of course! It was great fun, and the kids were in awe at the proof that Santa indeed had come!
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

Santa Claus AKA; St. Nick, Kris Kringle , Father Christmas and Ol Man Winter. Kris Kringle was a German man. Christkindl means Christ Child in English. St. Nicholas was of Greek origan, born in the 3rd century. His family was very wealthy and of Christian upbringing. He devoted his life to God and he set out to help the poor, the infirm and the suffering. He died in the year 335. It was the Vikings that first spread the word and good deeds of St. Nick.Santa Claus was introduced to North America by the Dutch settlers who new of him.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |