    Who do you think tells more lies? Men or Women, please explain.

    Lies, do you think that men are more honest and straight forward, or do you believe women to be more honest.

    I have seen surveys taken that ask,"Have you ever cheated while in a serious relationship?" It always seems like the number is somewhat higher for men than for women. Is that because they just aren't being honest? Or is it because men cheat more?

    +2  Views: 1027 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    19 Answers

    "How long does a lie remain a lie? Until the person that told it believes it himself.." -unknown

    So, since 'himself' is in this quote, i guess its the guys.. :(
    well eve is still looking for that rib back and mans still dening it.. so yes men tell more lies.. but satan created all lies and from what i understand he was male.. so yes men tell more lies!1

    i think men and women tell different kind of lies.  the lies men tell tend to get them in a lot of trouble.  the lies women tell don't appear to have as many ramifications and women are a little more shrewder by nature.  maybe that's because as james brown sang, 'it's a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothin without a woman or a girl.'  that woman or girl uses all kinds of coyness moves to get the man.  view some of the articles in cosmopolitan magazine.  i also have heard and seen very often when women cheat the man does not find out, like when its vice versa. women find out more when men cheat.

    I really do not think lying is gender related some or a  lot of people nowdays would rather climb a 15 foot tree and tell you a lie then stand on the ground and face you and tell you the truth.  Me I guess I am just old and cranky sometimes, but I do not tend to sugar coat anything anymore......

    look at the prison system.

    I think the answer is woman ,but i could be lying

    In my experience,  men tell more lies but then, I'm a woman and I talk to more men.........

    Men tend to lie more about affairs and sex.  As for women: spending money.

    I am probably wrong here but what the heck.


    I agree with you there. Exactly what I was going to say!

    I don't know about that? I've never cheated on a girlfriend, but have had two cheat on me... so I would say women. Not to mention they had to lie a lot to cover their tracks...
    i think its close with the tie breaker being do faked orgasms count

    In my own, personal experience, it has been men. My ex husband and certain friends who lied just to be lying...........

    “One reason a gentleman may be obilged to lie is protected the reputation of the woman. Bill Clinton has lied in order to trash them” Christopher Hitchens 1999

    Do you think men will say women, and women will say men???

    Car salesmen.


    Some people who sell cars, or anything else for that matter, are very honest.

    You are probably right Ducka but I have not seem to run across any of them.

    Men tell more lies to you

    As in:

    "These drinks come premixed, so there not that strong."

    "You know i really love you babe."

    "A slut you, noway."

    Women tell more lies to themselves.

    As in:

    "O.k. just one drink, then ill go home."

    "He loves me  no, really he does."

    "I'm not a slut."

    why is this relevant?


    Do you have a problem valR? Just because you don't think it's relevant, doesn't mean that everyone else has to share your opinion. If you can't contribute anything interesting maybe you should just keep your comments to yourself? Thanks for your input anyway.

    I have a few. Your question is not one of them. You don't have any? When did I express the opinion that your question is not relevant? I asked a simple question. You don't have to answer it if you cannot. I was, am and will continue to be curious as long as I can breathe. Have a nice day!

    Truth is that we all tell lies, it's just that you remember the ones that hurt you the most. That's what the question is really about. Women remember having their trust broken by men and visa versa. That's what my intention was behind the question...

    Don't know, thanks for the heads up...

    ole hipster

    I commiserate with you on this one..still trying to navigate the new forum format myself..guess we have to get used to it, huh? (:

    What Q did you intend to answer leeroy?

    Got it, we must have been on another subject? It was 8 months ago. Thanks valR.
    Just wondering if everyone saw this one?

    Yes, you both have good points and made me laugh...

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