    why it is easier to wash clothes in hot water solution than in ordinary water?

    0  Views: 928 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Hot water will ofter "set" the stain by cooking it more (like blood and egg)........

    Hot water is better for getting out water-soluble dirt. Also, sufficiently hot water will kill most common bacteria. These are scientific facts. Soaps work by ripping the dirt or oil off of your clothes and pulling it into the water where it can be rinsed away. Soaps also work by attacking the cell wall of bacteria, dismantling it, and pulling it into water where it can be rinsed away. The warmer the water, the better these processes work.

    HOWEVER unless something you have is very soiled, cold water and plenty of detergent should work well enough. If you notice that your clothes aren't getting clean, then you should try washing them in warmer temperatures.

    Using hot water can sometimes cause colored clothes to fade.

    Warm or hot water also uses more energy. Because using cold water usually works well enough, it makes more sense to use cold water unless you routinely have very dirty clothing.

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