    My computer goes to sleep and freezes up so I have to shut down and restart the computer in order to use again

    The screen is totally black and the start button does not wake it up. I am hooked to an APC battery back up if that helps to know that

    0  Views: 356 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Try this Restart your computer if you haven't already done so at least once since seeing this problem.

    Many things go on in the background when Windows is starting up. Sometimes things don't work exactly as they should, especially after Windows has installed updates or there were other major changes to the operating system the last time it was up and running. A restart might be all Windows needs to get back on track.

    Repair your Windows installation. A common reason for Windows to freeze up or reboot automatically during the Windows startup process is because one or more important Windows files are damaged or missing. Repairing Windows replaces these important files without removing or changing anything else on your computer.

    Note: In Windows 7 and Vista, this is called a Startup Repair. In Windows XP it's referred to as a Repair Installation.
    It could also be your battery supply doing it

    Or it could be that your computer is of the female version, and just having a tempremental day.

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