4 Answers
Dear World,
From now on everyone will be equal. All of your money will be taken away. Once all $ is collected (including pensions 401k's etc) it will be divided equally amongst all human inhabitants of the world. Your salary will be the same as everyone else. All of the markets will change to reflect this so that gas, groceries, gas & electric bills (and gas and propane) will be the same for everyone- and at a cost that every one can afford. If you have empty bedrooms (or rooms that could convert to bedrooms) you will house the homeless. This is just a start of the New World changes that will take place.
Send your $ by Dec. 31st to Dr. Doolittle c/o akaQA.
Thank You for your cooperation. Any uncooperative people will be sent to a "residential facility" in your zone (US) or country.
B.H. Obama, Commander & Chief United States of America- Land of the not so free anymore
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |