I did Egg Geodes and I used Hot water and cold water . my hypothesis said If I use hot water to make egg geodes then, it will form geodes quicker than cold water . And my hypothesis was correct so what do I write my conclusion ?
1 Answer
To Conclude something you need to sum up the answers you've found out from your project. if you want to throw in a few evaulations too like, "next time I would have done this for better or more precise results" you may be given extra marks.
I cant emphasise this enough though, to know exactly what the teacher expects from you for a conclusion the only way to find this out is to ask them. They will explain to you what they expect out of a conclusion and then you can do this and gain all the marks they look too award. Teachers are their to teach and help, use them, they are your best source of information.
11 years ago. Rating: 1 | |