    It seems that a lot of people are laughing over Honey Boo Boo. Do you think the show is funny?

    TV, Entertainment, reality shows, red necks, 

    0  Views: 616 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    I've never seen nor heard of the show. After looking it up I found that Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is a reality television program on TLC that features child beauty pageant participant Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson, along with her mother June Shannon, father Mike Thompson and her three older sisters. The show is mostly filmed in and around the family's hometown in rural McIntyre, Georgia, United States, a town in Middle Georgia east of Macon

    I find nothing funny about child pageants. I think they all should be outlawed. I doubt I would find this show funny. I hate made up reality shows and I think they put the kids under far too much stress and also should be outlawed. 

    Parents pimping kids. That's all it's about and it's sickening. 


    It’s one of the most deplorable things I’ve EVER seen on TV. See if you can catch it and watch some. I feel so sorry for the little girl.

    I refuse to give it ratings by watching it. Hopefully it dies a fast death.

    I agree. Look at what happened to Jon Benet Ramsey! at any rate. Honey Boo, while cute and funny last yr. isn't so much as a spoiled brat now, and too fat! childhood obesity is rampant in our country and putting a fat kid up as a role model isn't good. As for the parents, they could star in "Dueling Banjos" and fit right in. so sad.

    they even had June and Alana on the morning show and Alana was rude to Matt Lauer.

    Oh, I believe that mcm. I guess we can't blame her. She's a child. Maybe she'll grow up and be just like herr mother.
    mcm...I JUST spoke to my daughter. She thinks her other daughter, Kaiya, has Staph! (close to Mersa. I had to spell it out, My dictionary wouldn't let me spell it the correct way. It keeps chaining it. You know what it is. You got it when you had unsterile surgery. I don't know where a Staph chat is. Did you go to one? I don't think there's a Mersa chat .

    Colleen ... I agree with you 100 per cent.

    I only watch it b/c I 'm channel surfing and the absurdity of  the family is somewhat spellbiding. They really never showed her much in a kiddie beauty pagent on the show.They show what the family is doing as a family . The latest thing is the parents supposedly got married, but the mother keeps calling it a committment ceremony. She was wearing a camo outfit for the ceremony. And one of the girls had a baby.


    Thanks for the update mcm. I've got all this STUFF programed on my TV ... and where am I? right here on akaQA. : )

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