7 Answers
There seems to be a misunderstanding. This is a general questions and answers website.
It is not directly connected with any products. Nor are any promoted or sold from this site.
I've just researched a little and found a Walmart Q&A page on this chair for you. All for you.
Happy *&%! Thanksgiving.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Scam and idiot.
scam |skam|
noun informal
a dishonest scheme; a fraud: an insurance scam.
verb ( scams, scamming , scammed ) [ with obj. ]
swindle: a guy that scams the elderly out of their savings.
scammer noun
ORIGIN 1960s: of unknown origin.
I have sought to gain the interest of others with truth, scandalous lies and with ulterior motives and I am an idiot...
idiot |?id??t|noun informala stupid person.• Medicine, archaic a mentally handicapped person.ORIGIN Middle English (denoting a person of low intelligence): via Old French from Latin idiota ‘ignorant person,’ from Greek idi?t?s ‘private person, layman, ignorant person,’ from idios ‘own, private.’
…because I cannot possibly profit financially by my efforts and yet I continue to return here and answer questions ……humorously, if possible and honestly when necessary. Without pay or accolades beyond “karmic” points that cannot be traded in for anything I know of .
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |