    What charging device is used for the Stanley 1M Series Spotlight?

    0  Views: 2593 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    From the Stanley 1M Series Spotlight manual:


    This unit is shipped in a partially charged state. Charge unit BEFORE first use using the 120 volt AC charger for 24 hours. Recharge after each use.
    The charge status LED lights while the unit is charging and stays lit while the charger is plugged into the 12 volt DC charging port.
    When the spotlight dims, the unit needs recharging.
    Charging/recharging using the 120 volt AC charger
    • Make sure the spotlight is off (the trigger lock is in the off position and the trigger is not depressed).
    • Insert the barrel connector of the AC charger into the 12 volt DC charging port on the back of the unit. Insert the plug end into a (powered)
    standard North American 120 volt 60Hz outlet.
    • Charge for approximately 18 to 24 hours.
    Charging/recharging using the 12 volt DC charger (optional accessory)
    • Make sure the spotlight is off (the trigger lock is in the off position and the trigger is not depressed).
    • Plug the barrel tip of the supplied 12 volt DC charger into the 12 volt DC charging port.
    • Insert the 12 volt DC plug end into the accessory outlet of your vehicle or other 12 volt DC power source.
    • Charge for approximately 18 to 24 hours.
    Notes: When using a vehicle’s 12 volt DC accessory outlet as a charging source, be aware that some vehicles require you to turn on the ignition to power the
    accessory outlet.
    The spotlight may be used with either charger plugged in. However, the charging function with stop until the spotlight On/Off trigger is released and the

    trigger lock is disengaged.

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