    What are reasons Hostess is going out of business?

    Here is one reason. Unions. Unions destroyed their business. Twinkies and the bread cannot be on same delivery truck going to same receiving store because of union demands. There must be different workers stocking shelves. This is just one example. I don't feel sorry for those union employees , you voted to lose your job. Sorry for your luck.

    +1  Views: 609 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    But what about the non-union workers? Am sorry they are forced to go along. It'll be different walking into a convenience store and not be faced with Twinkies.....

    Unions had very little to do with it. The business went down because of what most businesses go down from, poor management. They claimed bankruptsy back in January and the unions agreed to reductions in benefits and pay. Also, after the bankruptsy two venture capitalist invested hughe amounts of money in the company which they had borrowed and then settled the debt on Hostess. Then the new investors tapped into the pension account and drained it for the money and left Hostess billions in debt. People are always ready to blame the unions when most companies go out of business but, the unions usually have very little to do with the problem. They are one of the primary reasons we developed a middle class after WWII. Funny how now that the unions have declined so has the middle class and all the money has risen to the top 1%.


    Also, Hostess hadn't done anything innovative in their product line for decades. If you don't evolve you die.

    Hostess also claimed bankruptsy in 2004 and the union agreed to cut at that time. This is also when the venture people came into the picture. Hostess was already in debt and when the new investors added their debt they finally ended up 2 billion in the hole.

    i do not know

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