    This is part two of 04 custom sporter 1200 dies after jumping it. I reinstalled the battery after fully chargeing it and i notice that one of the batter terminal contact on the battery itself was cracked. I was still able to connect the terminal. Once i did this i can hear the relay engageing but wont stop. Even when the bike is in the off position the needle on speedometer still moves on its own?

    I did clean all terminals connection to the battery and still it does the same. It will turn on in the assesorie mode and when in the on position it doesnt even lite up. No headlight  nothing. Now it wont even jump. could the battery be bad?

    0  Views: 409 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    What kind of bike is this?

    You'd be better off asking this at

    a bike forum.

    We're akaQA, a general q & a site.

    I'll try to find you a link.

    willie airborne

    an 04 custom sportster is a harley davidson 2004 custom motorcycle 1200cc . not a cat lol

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