    can humans get E Coli from dogs

    +2  Views: 1158 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Can I get E. coli from my dog?

    It is possible for humans to get an E. coli infections from dogs. Tramission generally occurs via dog feces. Thus, you should practice proper hygiene and clean your hands thoroughly if you have come into contact with an infected dog's feces. JUST REMEMBER WASH YOUR HANDS OR WEAR GLOVES IF YOU HAVE A DOG AND CLEANING UP DOG POO remember its not the dogs fault its what you give them in food

    How does my dog get E. coli?

    An E. coli infection in the gastrointestinal tract will generally be caused either by your dog’s ingestion of contaminated foods or by an overgrowth of the normally-occurring bacteria in your dog’s stomach.

    An E. coli infection in the urinal tract usually arises from an ascending infection. Females dogs are more predisposed to urinary tract infections than are male dogs.

    What will E. coli look like in my dog?

    E. coli can infect any part of a dog’s body, so symptoms will depend on which part of your dog’s body has been infected. However, the two most common impacted areas are your dog’s gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.

    An E. coli infection of your dog’s gastrointestinal tract will likely cause diarrhea, which sometimes will be streaked with blood, and abdominal pain. If the diarrhea persists, your dog will become dehydrated and become very weak.

    An E. coli infection in your dog’s urinary tract will cause your dog to excessively urinate and drink frequently. Urinating may be painful for your dog, and the urine may have a foul odor and a dark, blood-tinged appearance. Your dog may have a tender and painful abdomen and may vomit as well. E. coli bacteria is actually a fairly common cause of urinary tract infections in dogs.

    How is E. coli diagnosed?

    Your vet will make a diagnosis by bacterial cult

    Yes, and now you know why there are laws to pick up after your dog in public places!  You see, little kids play in these areas, and as kids do, they pick up things, and are always putting things and their hands in their mouths.  So do all a favor, and remind anyone walking a dog, to please pick up after their dogs!   In fact, all animals have Escherichia coli in their digestive tracts, and it is wise to make sure that hand washing is required after being around any animals.  Worse than E.coli, is Salmonella, which is present in digestive tracts and on skin of birds and reptiles.  So reminder, when kids play with those animals, to be careful of sanitation.  

    Yes. Usually from the dogs poo!

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