3 Answers
You are very likely eating the wrong foods and getting little or no exercise. Start by eliminating desserts, snack foods and sugary drinks. Increase vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water. Go for a walk everyday, yes everyday, without fail. See what the results are after 60 days.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
My guess, you are on line, now with some food beside you! Get off line, as Ducky said above, go out for a walk. Set goals, and do not stray. Each day add a bit more exercise. If you are not morbidly obese (really fat), go for a bike ride. This burns more calories. The thing with weight loss and gain is to think of a see-saw. On one side is weight gain, the other is weight loss. If you burn off what you take in, you stay the same weight. If you burn off more than you take in, you loose weight. If you take in more than you burn off, you gain weight. Since you are not loosing weight, you are either burning off too little calories, or the same as you are taking in. You didn't say if you are continually gaining, but you get the idea. So get out of the chair, shut off the tv, and computer. Put on the walkman or ipod, and go outside for a walk. AND DO NOT WALK TO A FAST FOOD JOINT! And take a bottle or two of water with you. Have will power, and think of the goal that you have set (be reasonable, you are probably never going to be tiny). Think of how proud your family will be, in fact, do not tell them so you can do it as a surprise!
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |