    ok, try this one ,my son's cat walks around in a pacing like way, an meow's an carries some random toy around while he meow's from room to room ,i think he does it cuz he's looking for my son but idk,

    +1  Views: 292 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Aww how cute .I think it's his hunting instinct. If it happens mostly at night and if he's an indoor cat, this could be his version of going outside at night to hunt and track.

    By golly! I think you're right!  Does the cat do it when your son is close by?


    no ,only at late night when my son has spent the night somewhere or has left for the day ,it just the whole meowing an carring the doll head around that is kinda cute it's like he's looking for him to give it to him like a bird on the door step,

    If he's close to your son he probably misses him , and that's his way of telling you. My male cat always follows me to the car when I go out and sits and watches me drive away, when  come back he comes running when he hears the car, yesterday I went out the front door to catch the bus, and my wife said he cried for about an hour pacing around  looking for me she said he just would not settle. Bless em.


    Ohh he sounds adorable.

    He's a big baby ,he's the one at the back in my profile.Our female is the one in the foreground, she's a little angel smaller than my boy but she's the boss.

    lol, that's not an answer ,but thx nice to know i'm not the only one that has strange pets,



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    Is this cat a male?  Then he's very confused.  I had a female cat who was spayed very long, and she would grab a sock and carry it around the house at night and meow, kind of wail. A couple of times I called her and she would stop.  It was like she was in a trance.  Poor unfulfilled kitty...!

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