    how do plants poo

    0  Views: 611 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Plants "poo" by exchanging gases through their leaves or the green part of their anatomy. At night, they take in carbon dioxide, and in the daytime they exhale oxygen. This is done through a proces called photsynthesis. The active catalyst that permits this to happen is chloropyll. The plant's inner metabolism can exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. Of course, they need water as a carrier to carry the oxygen and carbon dioxide to the individual cells. Neat huh? 

    Plants EAT Carbon Dioxide, out of the atmosphere and POO Oxygen, into the atmosphere.

    Without plant life, man and animals could not live on earth 

    It was the five times GREATER amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, than it is TODAY, that produced all the the abundant vegetation that allowed the dinosaurs to roam the earth for 60 million years.

    When the level of Carbon Dioxide decreased and produce less vegetation, led to their demise.

    The Giant Mammals, like Mammoth, Saber Tooth tigers etc. with a diaphragm to help the breath unlike the Dinosaurs, then came into prominence for a few more million years.

    That proves that the "Man is the cause of Global Warming Theory" by burning fossil fuels, is a bunch of crap

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