    how do i turn off my kidde smoke alarm

    0  Views: 642 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    When the battery of a Kidde Smoke Alarm is running low, the smoke detector "chirps" every seven minutes, indicating the battery is dying. Once the battery is replaced, the chirping stops chirping. If it does not, a "soft" reset can be performed, to attempt to stop it. If the chirping does not stop, attempt to replace the battery, as it could be malfunctioning. If that still does not correct the problem, you need to replace the smoke detector.


    1. Push the "Test" button on the Kidde Smoke Alarm"". The smoke alarm will start to sound as if there were a fire.

    2. Press the "Test" button a second time after the alarm goes off, making a loud continuous noise.

    3. Wait for seven minutes. If you do not hear any beeps or chirps, the unit has been reset from the battery change and is ready for use. If you hear any beeps or chirps, the new""battery either is malfunctioning, or the smoke alarm needs to be replaced.

    4. Rotate the alarm in the direction""of the "Off" arrow to remove the alarm from the mount.. Lift open the battery cover on the underside of the alarm. Replace the 9-volt battery with a new 9-volt battery. Place the alarm back on the mount. Repeat the process from the beginning. If the alarm continues to chirp, it should be replaced.

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