    who is chris matthews of msnbc talk show hardball

    who is chris matthews of msnbc talk show hardball

    0  Views: 435 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Christopher John "Chris" Matthews (born December 17, 1945) is an American news anchor and political commentator known for his nightly hour-long talk show, Hardball with Chris Matthews, which is televised on the American cable television channel MSNBC. On weekends he hosts the syndicated NBC News–produced panel discussion program The Chris Matthews Show. Matthews makes frequent appearances on many other NBC and MSNBC programs. On March 22, 2009, Matthews renewed the contract for Hardball with Chris Matthews through 2012.[1]


    Matthews was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Mary Teresa (née Shields) and Herb Matthews, a court reporter.[2][3] His father was a Protestant of English and Northern Irish ancestry, and his mother was from an Irish Catholic family;[4] Matthews is himself a Roman Catholic.[5] He attended La Salle College High School. He is a 1967 graduate of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, and did graduate work in economics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.[6][7]

    Matthews served in the United States Peace Corps in Swaziland from 1968 to 1970[8] as a trade development adviser.

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