    Colon problems, what can be done?

    +1  Views: 289 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    go to a doctor !  In the mean time, do what is good for everyday colon issues----eat a lot of fiber in your diet .


    Might not be the best advice. If fiber is from wheat and person has celiac disorder and is allergic to wheat, for example, and the fiber from it, great harm can ensue.

    A friend of mine has just had his bowl removed due to cancer, he is getting on fine and it has not gone to any other part of his body, he was lucky that they cought it early enough. So first go to your doctor a.s.a.p it may be nothing to worry about remember. My friend has now been told not to eat anything with skins tomatos only cooked and skinned, no nuts,no cereal, nothing healthy basicly, but this is after the event.

    It may be just a bowl problem that need healthy food to put it right,my wife had that problem, you just will not know unless you see a doctor.

    Don't be an ass, see a Dr. or you will not have one! 

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