    convert 0.465 to a fraction

    0  Views: 1658 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    decimals and fractions are spoken the same way if you look at the last place of the decimal that tells you what the denominator will be.  for example .5645 has a last place of ten thousandths so we would say five thousand six hundred forty-five ten thousandths so our fraction would be 5645/10000 which is said the same exact way.  the only problem is this fraction is not reduced and in any math class you will be expected to reduce your fraction.  your original fraction was 465/1000 but both of these are at least divisible by five so it becomes 93/200 this is as far as this fraction can be reduced keep in mind that the highest you need to go when trying to find a divisor is the numbers square root.  sqrt of 93 is 9.64...... so if you can not find a divisor that will go into both 93 and 200 before the number 9 then you can stop and know that you are done.

     465 / 1000

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