I'm in this program called Bridge Building (where you build actual models of truss bridges and test them to see how much weight they can hold) and for this upcoming competition all teams have to have a team name. We don't want to use the same one as last year (Peace, Love, Build) and I'm trying to come up with ideas. The more the better! I want to see how creative you guys are. :)
A few more examples are Boa Constructors, Arch Nemesis and B to the 3rd power (each team has three people. Please Help!
10 Answers
Contructo Ooooh La La!
That 'Thang There.
Truss or Bussssssst!
Truss 'O Build 'O
It's all about the Truss.
Where is the Truss?
Truss Uss.
The Trussinators.
Trussion Impossible
This is as Truss as it Gets.
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Uddervize Mar.1 at the Wheelhouse!! :)
Bridging The Gap
Bridge et Jones
A Bridge Too Fair ( You have to know the movie for this one, too)
Cantilever Tales
Girder Guys and Gals
Lattice Alone
Parabola Trio
Spandrell Stanchions Three
Stay Our Way
Ultimate Strength
Upper Chord
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
So now...as Jung would put it...something amazing is bound to happen!! Freedom sounds purty durn good about now!!! (Tnx fer listening!) Peace.