    I need a cool name for my team

    I'm in this program called Bridge Building (where you build actual models of truss bridges and test them to see how much weight they can hold) and for this upcoming competition all teams have to have a team name. We don't want to use the same one as last year (Peace, Love, Build) and I'm trying to come up with ideas. The more the better! I want to see how creative you guys are. :)

    A few more examples are Boa Constructors, Arch Nemesis and B to the 3rd power (each team has three people.        Please Help! 

    +1  Views: 2739 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    Tell us the winning name, please....

    The winning name is (drum roll please) "Like a BOSSawood". When you say it, it sounds like balsa wood which is what we use to build the bridge. I appreciate all of your guys suggestions though! (And for our motto we're going with Truss or Bust) ;)

    10 Answers

    Contructo Ooooh La La!

     That 'Thang There.

    Truss or Bussssssst!

    Truss 'O Build 'O

    It's all about the Truss.

    Where is the Truss?

    Truss Uss.

    The Trussinators.

    Trussion Impossible

    This is as Truss as it Gets.





    Nice! Thanks Fishlet!

    I like your flag avatar. Awesome!

    Thanks. Much better than that insane-looking first one. ;)

    Fishes? When you get back...I'm working winter at the 'Front" in Coombs!! (Kooking!) Stop by when... LL
    Uddervize Mar.1 at the Wheelhouse!! :)

    @Lindi... got it! :) Not too sure when our next visit is but we will be staying in Deep Cove for a week. Busy days right now. Will keep in touch. K

    GOOD!! I wouldn't mind sending you my email?? Great to hear/see/look at your typing kid! Missed ya! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Not really back Lindi... still a bit ticked with the negative energy thing. I would love to exchange email addresses... Send a note to: and I can send you my email address. Le' Awesome!

    Shameless Trussies !!

    No Bridges Barred

    Gapless Goombahs

    Trio of Trussies

    The Speculative Span

    ....okay....enuff!!   peace.



    I Lech,that,

    Bridging The Gap

    Bridge et Jones

    A Bridge Too Fair ( You have to know the movie for this one, too)

    Cantilever Tales

    Girder Guys and Gals

    Lattice Alone

    Parabola Trio

    Spandrell Stanchions Three

    Stay Our Way

    Ultimate Strength

    Upper Chord


    ...she's a maniac, maniac, on the dance floor!!!
    (..some awesome babe!) ;)

    How ya doin', chickie? A little better?

    Actually Dar...truth? I am currently at the end of a relationship with a man whom I grew extremely fond of..but have since discovered that he is addicted. Notice the 'period' at the end of that sentence? Yes, signifying the 'end'. My Gods, this has been very, very painful to face...that the risk we take when we love...means that we are also willing to experience the loss of a beloved one...and it tears me up when it is a 'drug of choice' that dictates that loss. I had to leave my husband 12 years ago due to similar issues. Darn!!
    So Jung would put it...something amazing is bound to happen!! Freedom sounds purty durn good about now!!! (Tnx fer listening!) Peace.

    Wow, you are an amazing takes strength and courage to walk away. Sorry that you're going through so much pain but we've all been there at one time or another. Time is the only thing that heals and of course love and support from family and friends. You know we're always here for ya, LL. (((Hugs)))

    I need those hugs...Thanks Dardaigh...Big hugs back. :)

    Awwww, know the old adage. I've been through it myself and I feel for ya. It was a learning experience but you have emerged a fragile, beautiful butterfly, who will spread her wings and soar, when you feel the strength.

    Hey Dardaigh...color me blonde but where'd ya go bunky?? *D

    The Flying Buttreses,

    "The Girder Gang"

    Troubled Waters.

    Buttress Buttress Golly.

    "Polish Power"

    Zenith, it means the highest.

    the Bridges of Madison County(or whatever county you live in ) team; or the Bridge Over Troubled Waters team.The  Don't burn your bridges behind you team.  A Bridge to nowhere. The London Bridge Team

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