    Do you think that with a close race as it was, Obama will do anything differently in second term?

    +4  Views: 1559 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    The people who elected Obama again, are at fault.
    They have chosen to allow bureaucrats in Washington to upsurp the long -understood constitutional definition of religious liberty.
    They have chosen to keep borrowing  endlessly from China-or whoever might be left out there to subsidize our rapidly climbing 16 trillion debt-to subsidize Obama,s endless spending.
    They have chosen the path of doing nothing sensible and to avert the fiscal cliff of massive tax hikes on all of us come 2013.
    They have endorsed the idea that we can tax our way toward economic growth and prosperity by bullying business trying to make a go in the private sector.
    They have chosen to to endorse the most corruptive forms of crony capitalism.
    They have endorsed an Enviromental Protection Agency that will call what we exhale a pollutant and make sure we never build another coal fired power plant..
    They have chosen the empowerment of government over liberty of individual and free markets.


    So you are blaming 57 million Americans, or Romney's 47%. Who are you to find fault with that many Americans?

    SHE is God :) So georgewill, did you name yourself after George Bush, as in Georgewill take the blame because Obama supporters just can't seem to get past the blame game where everything is George's fault and poor Obama was just too inexperienced for the job? Do you all own T-shirts that read Bushdidit!? I think I'll blame it all on you georgewill. Just because I can :)

    Most people voted for ideology and not for the problems at hand. Most young peole who voted for Obama dont even know what our National debt is. The "Fiscal cliff" is looming. Obama had a year and a half to fix it - and he did nothing. 158 million people will be affected and cause another, deeper recession. Our country can not survive this.

    Ann: The fiscal cliff is looming, but Republicans have to cooperate with Democrats to fix it. If it isn't fixed, blame them. Obama's already offered his cooperation.

    Of  course he will. Can't say what exactly but, it will be different.......


    We can only hope so! It should be a huge wake up call!!

    No kidding!

    Yes.  He will have time to finish what he started:  improving the economy, creating jobs, improving foreign relations and making the US a better place to live for everyone, not just the rich.  Obama won both the electoral vote and the popular vote.  Hopefully, he learned the people aren't happy with the slow economic recovery and will do everything he can within his power to speed it up, but the Republicans and big businesses have to help.  He can't do it alone.     


    He, hopefully will not continue what he has been doing, we cannot afford that! He should take a big wake up call, with the close results. And I would not brag of his foreign relations, by his past performance... I hope for the good of our great nation that he will work harder than his first term, with less taxpayer vacations, and no more private jet for the dog...

    When exactly did he start all this? From what I can see, it hasn't started yet. That's what all his supporters kept saying, he needs 4 more years to get it started. If he keeps making enemies with the big businesses, they will all pack up and take the jobs over seas. I hope when this man negatively effects your home and way of living or even your job, you can then remember that you looked down on those of us who see his evil and tried to stop it but NOT voting for him.

    He spent half of his first term campaigning for a second term. The man spent most of his time finding other things to do than be president and run the country.

    I agree with you Colleen! He has been more ineffective than even Carter, and that took some doing!





    Yes, he now has 4 years to put his evil plans in action that he spent his first 4 years setting up. Get ready for the new America. The Dictatorship of Obama, the socialist America that needs to bow to their leader if they want anything and the loss of even more Constitutional American rights. 


    I could not even watch his victory speech, that smug-looking puss! I know we are in for a very bumpy ride, the ride of our lives!

    Oh, you mean this smug look?

    could you refrain from punching a face like that?

    bustione, go ahead, I will join you!

    That is a really good smug look

    "Evil plans?" Really? Who appointed you God?

    It does not take God to see evil. It takes open eyes and understanding what the blind do not want to see. Keep your Bama shades on for as long as you can but when the crap hits the fan, DUCK or not. Your choice.

    I can get the feeling "Grapes are Sour" somewhere. The Americans of sound judgement made the right choice. And talk about deficit. Just go into recent history from Clinton onwards and you will know who balooned it. And the wars + financial mess - Blame it on Obama or thank God there is Obama!

    Just keep talking all you people who do not live in the USA. Watch, listen and learn so you can finally understand, unless you live it, you have no clue. The American people who voted him in again will rue the day they did not listen to the ones who knew what they were talking about.

    Colleen: So you are right and everyone else is wrong? Rather pompous, don't you think? What makes you an expert? I presume you are one of the wealthy and not a middle- or lower-class American? Elite snobs like yourself have no perspective on mainstream America.

    And now you believe you are so right just because I didn't want this sham of a president? I'm now a snob because I see how he has duped 1/2 of America and most of the world? No, I am not wealthy. I'm a blue collar worker who is presently working at a Hallmark facility loading Fed Ex trucks. Before this, I was a commercial truck driver working 70 hours per week making less money than a first grade teacher. I am a laborer who works and has worked for everything I have. I know what it's like to live under crushing taxes and poor paying jobs because of a bad economy. My meager pay will be taxed just as harshly as any other common working American come January when Obama increases taxes for all to cover HIS debts. So now tell me, since you disagree with me, what makes YOU so right and me so wrong? Are you pompus because you believe your views to be the correct ones? Take your blinders off and see Obama for what he is. Stop being a dem sheeple. Let me point out another thing since you think I'm so wrong because I'm pompous. I am a lesbian. That in itself should have been enough of a reason for me to vote for Obama since he supports gay marriage and Romney is dead set against it. But because I am NOT a selfish person, I would give up my rights to marry in order to save America for the rest of the Americans. I put the people of America ahead of my own needs for equal rights. That's real pompous of me, isn't it? I believe you just say these things because you really can not defend Obama from the truth so you just try to shoot the messenger instead.

    the main job of a politician is to get re-elected


    Very true. It's the system that's broke, not Obama. Do you know both presidential candidates raised over $1 billion each? And they both spent much of it on propoganda- ladened spots (Lies and grossly misleading statements)?

    At least Obama's weren't as blatant as Romney's. Romney lied through both sides of his mouth without a grain of truth, and some people (I.e. Colleen) actually believed Romney's commercials. I can't believe anyone actually voted for Romney after his famous "47% insult." I guess some people live to be insulted by a lying thief. The rest of us 47%ers got offended by this elitist blowhard.

    This is not new about politicians. At the end of the day Obama graciously acknowledged Romney and his sons for being true Americans. Wealth left distributed in some way even small does much for people below without hurting the wealthy. So Obama is the right choice. Thank you America and thank you georgewill for your thoughts.

    Hey, georgedidit, I did not support Romney either so you can knock off the crap. By the way, just like a true Obama-ite, you still close your mind to what Romney was actually saying about the 47%. He was right. But you'll never understand because your head is too far up Obama's.........

    Sawali, how exactly does Obama affect you living way up there in Canada? What is he going to give you? Do you think he'll be sending you money just because you're a foreigner? How's your government doing by the way? Have you checked on it lately or are you confused and think you're American?

    You know RussRocks/RichardJames/Georgedidit, if you hadn't targeted me so much, you might have gotten away with this. You get just long enough to see this, then poof, you are gone again.

    I don't know why Canada is bothering you - it is one of the finest countries on earth if you can look beyond your....Obama is a good choice for the world that's why it concerns us all.

    You have no clue what you are talking about Sawali. Canada is not bothering me. A few Canadians are because they think they know but they know nothing. Stop talking now before you have a whole lot more to apologize for down the road. This man is going down and all his illegal activities will be brought to light. Then you supporters can cry to him when you realize the fools he made out of you all. Stick to your own politics. You know nothing about US politics.

    I don't know if he will do anything differently. I thinkl that what we should be asking ourselves is if he and congress will act differently. After all, the fiscal cliff wasn't just an executive action, but included both houses of congress. Neither the house, senate or the prsident has much to brag about. Obama didn't get much accomplished, but then the republicans in congress said publically that they weren't willing to compromise and were going to make sure that he was a one term president.

    I think that the result of all this nonsense is that sometime in the not too distant furture the anger of the public will reach such a point that someone or a group of someone's will tap into this anger successfully and create a viable third party of radical centrist. And this group will bring comprimise back into fashion. Ahhh, dream on.


    you must have the wrong impression that a prez has power.

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