I do not want to hear ever again it's Bush's fault. Now I blame every person who voted Obama back in and I blame Oduma, err Obama for everything over the past 4 years and into the next 4 years.
Congrats America, we are screwed for another 4 years. On the plus side, we will be rid of him at the next election, that's if the country survives. Just ask the U.S.S.R. how their Socialism is working for them.. oh yeah that's right, there is no more U.S.S.R.
I am ashamed of some of my fellow Americans, those being the people who voted to keep this inexperienced (fill in the blank) _______ 4 years later, he's still looking for answers. Maybe he'll find a few in 2016 when he realizes he finally killed America.
9 Answers
Not a darn thing can be done now. You are right, we have no one to blame but ourselves......
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Colleen, are you trying to start more false rumors like Romney did? Shame on you! Go work for the Enquirer.
Impeach Obama? Really? How stupid ARE you? Read your constitution. At least he didn't rob the poor workers from Bain Capital.
At least you will be able to smoke a joint while you walk up the aisle with your girlfriend.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I have no recollection of a time when I was blamed for something that it helped me or the situation. Well, he did kill Ben Laden but we can’t blame him for that without implying complicity for ourselves. Is that why you think Bush-bashing is like attacking the fire brigade?
The republicans who persuaded me not to support them sold their vote to Grover Norquest. I thought representatives are suppose to be voted into office by voters rather than hackers. The I heard that 3.8 million people were no longer employed and had give up looking for work, accepting some form of welfare instead. I found the comment simply unacceptable. 3.8 million people….why is that number familiar to me?
"Almost exactly nine months after World War II ended, “the cry of the baby was heard across the land,” as historian Landon Jones later described the trend. More babies were born in 1946 than ever before: 3.4 million, 20 percent more than in 1945. This was the beginning of the so-called “baby boom.” In 1947, another 3.8 million babies were born; 3.9 million were born in 1952; and more than 4 million were born every year from 1954 until 1964, when the boom finally tapered off. By then, there were 76.4 million “baby boomers” in the United States. They made up almost 40 percent of the nation’s population."
That spurred my interest on to look at the math. How many reached the retirement age of 67 in 2012?
So I have been checking what folk are saying to see if its honest. I like honesty.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Well, Obama may have arguably had some credibility for the Bush problem in his first term, but that wont play for a two term president.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Obama will go down in history as the Bush fault line-- It's almost comical now. The problem we have now is a frustrated republican party and the left is eating it up, what is more important to them is beating republicans, its not the country, their hope is to dismantle the right. And they will! We are headed for a dictatorship, now they are talking about eliminating term presidency, if they get this put through, it may start with Obama should he will it. There is much turmoil in the government today, the only thing I hope for is that eventually moderate democrats will cross over and see that there had been a terrible mistake, liberal democrats will never see the light even if you shined it in their face, there's too much pride in their decision, they won't change. If the right doesn't straighten out their cause and modernize a little they are sunk like the whigs of the 1700's. The voting rights need to be seriously contended with and PC put aside for a better america, i don't want some yahoo from istanbul that's been here one year and plans on leaving in 5 years voting for my future, also i don't want jobless people that 'refuse' to find a job the ability to vote in their entitlements! I want working americans, those that have been here at least 10 years as legal. i don't want anyone on food stamps, welfare or other government subsidised people within 100 yards of a presidential poll, or any poll for that matter. I am already supporting them, there are becoming more of them than us and we don't have a chance in hell of recovering unless we crack the whip on these people. Some may say i am being hitler but on the contrary, I am wanting these people to get a life and become an asset, not a liability.
Meanwhile, It's still georges fault, they won't let him leave the whitehouse as long as Obama keeps making mistakes that they can say, 'it was gwb's fault that obama did this.."
11 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
1. Using executive privilege to remove all guns.
2. Using executive privilege to bypass congress and raise the debt ceiling.
3. Removing the 22nd amendment (which you covered)
He has already used executive privilege to cover up Fast and furious and to cover up Benghazi.
He will also be known as the president who most abused executive privilege.
You see dictatorship as do I but much larger than that, I see an American revolution. We are dangerously close to that now.