    Tire code DOT XX XX XXX XXX

    What does it represents the tire code DOT XX XX XXX XXX

    0  Views: 549 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

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    I E   A tire rating might read P235/70R15 102S. Each group of numbers and letters describes a specific characteristic of the tire.

    Tire Width

    The first code, P235, refers to the width of the tire in millimeters. The letter indicates P for Passenger Car; another common letter code is LT for Light Trucks.

    Tire Aspect

    After the slash, the next two digits indicate the ratio of the tire's sidewall to its width; in the example above, the sidewall is 70 percent of the tire's width, or 164.5 millimeters. The R indicates a Radial tire, and the 15 indicates the wheel diameter in inches.

    Load and Speed Codes

    The final code indicates the load capacity of each tire, in this case 102 equating to 1,874 pounds per tire, and the maximum speed the tires are rated for, S indicating a top speed of 112 miles per hour.


    I E   A tire rating might read P235/70R15 102S. Each group of numbers and letters describes a specific characteristic of the tire.

    Tire Width

    The first code, P235, refers to the width of the tire in millimeters. The letter indicates P for Passenger Car; another common letter code is LT for Light Trucks.

    Tire Aspect

    After the slash, the next two digits indicate the ratio of the tire's sidewall to its width; in the example above, the sidewall is 70 percent of the tire's width, or 164.5 millimeters. The R indicates a Radial tire, and the 15 indicates the wheel diameter in inches.

    Load and Speed Codes

    The final code indicates the load capacity of each tire, in this case 102 equating to 1,874 pounds per tire, and the maximum speed the tires are rated for, S indicating a top speed of 112 miles per hour.


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